At our church, we want to provide you opportunity to connect with others in a meaningful way. We believe that like-minded community is one of the largest catalysts to growing our faith.
We try to have something for everyone, and we strive to create moments that will add value to your life and your faith. We desire everyone to be engaged and active in the life of the Church, and we do that by building connection through our various activities.
More information is available upon request.

Children's Ministry

On Sunday morning and Wednesday evening our kid’s church, for pre-school through 6th grade, participate in worship with the whole family and then are dismissed for their own age-appropriate teaching and activities. Our nursery is also staffed on Sunday and Wednesday with loving volunteers.

Youth Ministry

RC Students is for students in 6-12 grade! Our service includes music, games, age-appropriate teaching, and response times. We currently meet in the main sanctuary at Restoration Church on Wednesday nights. We aim to see hearts and lives changed, to see Christ abound in us, and to reach the lost wherever they are.


grow in your faith / make new friends / get connected / short-term commitment


Other than our Sunday morning worship service, we also have a variety of other ways to interact and connect:
  • Wednesday night Bible study with Pastor Lindy
  • Senior Connection: a group that has various activities for anyone 50+
  • Men’s Encounter: a group of men that meets at the church every Thursday at 7pm
  • Victoriously Free Prayer: this group meets every Monday evening at 7pm to pray
Ways to serve: we are always looking to get you plugged into the life of the church. We have multiple ministries that have need of volunteers! Nursery, worship team, media team, kids church, van ministry, food serving ministry, and so many others. If you’re interested in getting involved but don’t know where to start, just let us know and we will help you find a place!